Passenger Safety
At UP Express, safety is our number one priority.Passenger Safety
At UP Express, safety is our number one priority.- Guest Services
- Passenger Safety
Text-For-Help Service
Beginning January 31, 2023, transit customers can communicate with our Customer Protective Services (CPS) team while on our network or at our stations via text message through the Text-For-Help service.
Customers can text ”HELP” to a five-digit SMS number, 77777, to communicate in real-time with a CPS dispatcher to report or request assistance in the event of an emergency or safety concern. Text-For-Help can be used wherever you are on our network – not just on trains but also on platforms and in stations across UP Express.
How it works: No matter where you are, if you feel unsafe, text “HELP” to 77777.
- Our Customer Protection Services (CPS) will respond within 90 seconds and can assist by dispatching support or local police services to your location.
- Once a text is received, customers will receive an automatic response.
- Service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- You can chat with us in over 100 languages, including Hindi, Punjabi, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Tagalog, and Arabic. Standard message rates may apply.
At this time, customers are advised to send us text-only (SMS) messages. Messages without images or video can be received at this time. Travellers can also continue to use the passenger emergency intercom (red button) on-board UP Express for use when police, fire or medical assistance is required, or call 911 for life-threatening emergencies and crimes in progress.
Passenger Safety and Security on the Train
At UP Express, safety is our first priority in providing a comfortable experience for our guests. To ensure your journey is a relaxed and enjoyable one, we have several safety measures in place. Some of these measures include:
- Customer Protective Officers
- Passenger safety alarms
- Yellow lines at platform level at Bloor and Weston Stations
- Platform screen doors at Union and Pearson Stations that only open when the train is ready to board
- On-board emergency exits (doors and windows)
To report crime or security matters call 905-803-0642, 24 hours or Transit Safety dispatch 1-877-297-0642 (toll free).
Safety Precautions at Station Platforms
When standing near tracks or on station platforms, fast-moving trains can pose a potential risk. It is important to stay aware and cautious. UP Express Trains can travel at speeds of up to 140 km/h, and they can be a lot closer and faster than they appear.
UP Express Safety Tips:
- Stand back from the yellow line on the edge of the platform.
- Never step onto the tracks.
- When travelling with children, always keep them in sight and close to you.
- Be careful of any gaps between the platform and the train while you get on and off.
- Make sure to always enter or exit a station platform from properly designated areas, and never use the ends of the platform as an access point.
- Do not cross in front of or behind a stopped train, this is both dangerous and illegal.
- In multi-track areas, be vigilant to other train movements on other tracks in any direction.
- Stay well away from moving trains and do not climb onto the side of or ride between the cars of a moving train.
Text “HELP” to 77777 to discreetly report safety and security concerns or suspicious activity, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
In case of Emergency
Please locate and familiarize yourself with:
- The emergency exits located throughout the railcar
- The emergency information posted near the entry doors
- The emergency equipment and instructions clearly marked throughout the railcars
- The MIKEY defibrillators and first aid kits on the railcars